Working Mother Magazine Features Censeo Associate
How We Flex!
Originally published by Working Mother.
To celebrate our second annual National Flex Day, we asked you to tell us how you use workplace flexibilty and how it affects your life—and you sure did! We got hundreds and hundreds of responses (thanks to all who submitted!) and chose a variety of great flex stories to share with all of you. We’re so inspired—and hope you will be too!
Julia Zick, Associate, Censeo Consulting Group
Mom of Aaron, 3, and Braden, 1
Lives in Columbia, MD
Since I had my sons, my employer has allowed me to work reduced hours (60 percent of what I worked before). In addition, I get to telecommute three to four days each week, which is a great time saver since my roundtrip commute during rush hour is 3-plus hours. This allows me to eat breakfast with my boys most mornings and to take them to the pool or playground or other activities after day care several times a week. I greatly appreciate the ability to do work that challenges and excites me while also being able to be there for my boys and spend quality time with them—not just on the weekend.
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